Black Bean Enchiladas with Spinach and Jack Cheese

Why spend money buying lunch at the cafeteria or the take-out around the corner, when you can make a great lunch for the week, in your own kitchen?!

Golden Delicious Jack Cheese Enchiladas
Golden Delicious Jack Cheese Enchiladas

Saute onions, garlic and mushrooms in olive oil, until the mushrooms really cook down. Then add spinach, two cans of drained black beans and some leftover roasted hatch chiles. Throw in a few pinches of chile powder, cumin, salt and pepper. In a casserole pan, layer corn tortillas and a little enchilada sauce, so they don’t stick (I use Trader Joe’s enchilada sauce for this one). Then put the saute mixture on top of the tortillas. Layer another layer of corn tortillas on top of that, and top more enchilada sauce and a lot of jack cheese. Back at 400 until brown and bubbly.

Delicious Black Bean Enchiladas!
Delicious Black Bean Enchiladas!

Published by

Seattle Foodshed

Gardening, foraging, exploring and cooking. Time for a delicious adventure.

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